A pseudo mini-wiki minor mode for adding hyperlinking capabilities to Vim http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=861 In case you missed out on wikis, a wiki is a simple way of creating hypertexts. In its very basic form creating a hyperlink is as easy as writing a word in CamelCase or by enclosing a word in brackets--as in [[destination]] or [-destination-]. URLs are automatically recognized as hyperlinks. You usually begin with creating a directory where your wiki files should go to and by creating a wiki index--a master file that contains references to sub-pages. After a while you end up with many small, tightly interlinked files/notes. There is also some basic support for basic markup like emphasized text, headings and the like. In the case of Viki/deplate, this markup would compare to, e.g., LaTeX markup as follows. See also VimViki (duplicate entry?).