The control the Mainstream Media have is not over content; anyone can produce any video they like. What the MSM control is channels - the association of pieces of content with titles and with each other. This is all the strength that FoxNews possesses.

YouTube and TiddlyWiki can be combined to break the broadcasters cultural stranglehold. A Video WikiPage will be a video in one layer with a WikiPage superimposed in the layer above. The superimposed layer could be just wikified text, or maybe also flash ... because flash would allow animated markup of the video. And you can generate the flash for free with WinkScreencastGenerator.

Then again flash is generally not amenable to WikiMarkupLanguage. Maybe WML is best. In any case it should be easy to make such a Video plugin for TiddlyWiki - there's already something very like that in the media center plugin at It needs a server for the tiddlers - CcTiddly or PyTw are both free and will do ...

This would allow a community to associate any video content with any other video content. For the first time, communities would be empowered to control the cultural associations between content sources. This is an extremely powerful enabling of the WikiNature ... and obviously with its conceptualization here it will very shortly happen. In the probably no more than a few weeks before this cultural typhoon explodes, let's talk here about what it means. -- PeterMerel


I.m ready to start a rewrite of my T''''''vWiki (circa 2006) which was compiled using Vb6 in the days of analog tv. The major issue for a new version is channel selection via computer. I had it all worked out for the analog version using a tuner card. With the Digital tv version, I want to maintain the ability to select channels via numbers, WikiWords, and so forth. I'll probably start with a version which uses manual control. In addition to display of cable signals, I want to be able to display output from a VHS recorder, DVD recorder, camcorder and the Computer's WebCam. I will use my latest idea of the InformationIntersection to make this all possible. The Display used for it will be a Samsung 46" LED Video monitor. 
-- DonaldNoyes.20100715
Essentially a VideoWiki page is just a video in one layer with a WikiPage superimposed in the layer above. The superimposed layer could be just flat text, or flash ... because flash would allow animated markup of the video. And you can generate the flash for free with WinkScreencastGenerator.

Woah, the c2 wiki is now youtube enabled! Our WikiPrayer''''''s have been answered!

See also: FeedforwardEffect | WikisOnYouTube | WikiUniversity