''This is an office which exists in the abstract while being operational'' ThinkingOutLoud.DonaldNoyes ---- Existing as a Connection in TheInternet. Can be owned and have VirtualLocation. In the process of becoming a NextBigThing and a ParadigmShift. ---- Do they presently exist as organizations and places one can work? * Search of one or many ( virtual office spaces ): ** http://www.google.com/search?sourceid=navclient&aq=0&oq=Virtual+Office+spaces&ie=UTF-8&rlz=1T4SKPT_enUS425US426&q=virtual+office+spaces * or ** http://www.smarter.com/se--qq-virtual%2Boffice.html ---- See IdeaImplementationGap LineOfThought ---- CategoryOrganization