VoteNudging: Manipulation of election margins via voting machine "errors" that favor a particular party.  

Reading about some of the problems experienced  with electronic voting machines (see, especially considering which party consistently seems to be favored by "errors", serious doubts have arisen regarding the legitimacy of the election results. Especially to readers of this Wiki, it is horrifying reading:

O-Dell, head of Diebold electronic voting machines:
"we are committed to helping Ohio deliver its electoral votes to the president next year." 

"At least 35 counties in the state of Ohio have chosen to use a touch screen voting machine manufactured by Diebold, a company based in North Canton, Ohio."

"Machine error gives Bush extra Ohio votes"


They should give you a receipt with your votes encoded somehow, perhaps with a vote code check-sum. Then do a random sample visit to people to see if recorded vote matches their stub.
Why not just vote via encrypted email? Certain people are already allowed to do this.

That would prevent long lines, jostling, and other more physical forms of VoteNudging.
The USA is the only country in the world to use voting '''''machines'''''. The rest of the world knows CoopersLaw.