Likes Anime Adds entries for undefined Wikiized terms if he thinks that he can give a definition. (happens not so often) Is open to discussion on any entries he creates and promises not to forget to add the proper category tag from now on. (every wiki is different... I read a lot and now I see what conventions this community has) Admits that he was writing very few articles for other Wiki. Never edited anything but the sandboxes and will adher to standards described in FaqForCategories. Promises to use a ThreadMode tag in the hope someone will comment instead of just delete his entry. Please read RealNamesPlease. ------ CategoryHomePage --- Bah, so I really Let us say "thought about it" I got 24 hours tro put up som,ethibg,, yerah rihjt... Andreas H: Jaehrig WashuuFann is now AndreasJaerig