Application on a computer, designed for viewing WebSite''''''s. It talks to a WebServer (or more), and retrieves from there the files needed to put the graphical images (and/or other multimedial elements) on screen that were defined by the author of the WebSite. Examples of WebBrowser''''''s: * The canonical "Big Three": ** MicrosoftInternetExplorer ** NetscapeNavigator ''in the past'' ** MozillaFirefox ** GoogleChrome * AlternativeBrowsers (GraphicalUserInterface) * TextModeBrowser''''''s (CommandLineInterface) The original NetscapeNavigator gave birth to the MozillaBrowser and other browsers powered by the GeckoEngine. See AlternativeBrowsers for these Gecko-based browsers, among others. ---- Let me air my views of what makes a great WebBrowser: * easy to configure and cleanup (e.g., cache) and remove * relatively safe, even against my own mistakes * compatible with commonly used websites, including Microsoft sites * has good RssViewer addons * stop unsolicited ads ** MozillaFirefox said to block ads of all types, kill MacromediaFlash (if specified) * responsive and good support for productive time on the web ** TabbedBrowsing being one example, especially in MaxthonBrowser * easy to convert to minimalistic mode (e.g., no graphics) * ?automated complaint filing for bad websites (e.g., scams) * ?free of charges ''See also WebBrowserWishes'' ---- Which browser is better for offline browsing, MicrosoftInternetExplorer or MozillaFirefox? Do I need extra tools to do so? ---- CategoryWebBrowser CategoryWebDesign