MicrosoftCorporation into NextBigThing. GetItFirstFromHere * 2004 article suggested MS is encouraging employees to do so, to soften its image in the eyes of the public. See A good description of a WebLog can be found here: "Wiki is the ultimate collaborative WebLog" - this is wrong but very close to right. A Wiki is logically organized (if ''organized'' is the right term) and largely timeless. A WebLog is organized by time and (often) a small number of categories. Sometimes '''time''' is an important part of recorded thoughts, and other times not. Somehow it seems that wikis and weblogs should not be distinct. WebLog''''s tend to be less free-wheeling and more structured than Wiki. ''Funny - I would have said the opposite.'' A combination of a Wiki and a WebLog is known by some as a BloggedWiki or a Bliki. ---- There are several WebLog applications out there: '''boastMachine''' : A feature rich, easy to use blogging platform. Supports multiple DBs like MySQL, PostGres and also Flat files. '''WordPress''' : Well done server-side PHP-based WebLog software, open source and completely free. Requires installation on the server. Uses MySQL database by default. '''MovableType''' : Server-side Perl-based WebLog software with excellent documentation. Free for non-profit use. Requires installation on the server. Does not need an additional database. '''SnipSnap''' : A weblog and wiki. Every weblog or comment is a also a wiki page. Weblogs are time ordered wiki pages. Java, GPL. '''SlashCode''' : The software used to run SlashDot. Uses perl and a database backend. '''GreyMatter''' : '''LiveJournal''' : A journaling community completely run by volunteers '''BlosXom''' : A tiny (<= 61 lines of perl code), minimalist weblog that was originally created for MacOsx (hence the Bl'''osx'''om in the title). '''PikiePikie''' : A wiki AND a weblog. It goes ahead and lets you put a WebLog on any WikiPage you want. see WikiBlog or Meatball:WikiBlog '''ManilaByDaveWiner''' : UserlandFrontier-based content-management system from DaveWiner. '''RadioUserland''' : Commercial, browser-based WebLog editing/browsing tool from DaveWiner. '''RollerWeblogger''' : Java-based weblogging system ( '''NucleusCMS''': Open Source (GPL) CMS for weblogs with a very flexible PlugIn API. Uses PHP and MySQL. ---- RobotWisdomWeblog claims to be the first weblog. The gestalt of all WebLog's conversations with each other has been dubbed the BlogoSphere ---- RichSiteSummary RssViewer ---- CategoryBlog