Webdot Graph Server - http://www.research.att.com/~north/cgi-bin/webdot.cgi/ Webdot is a server program that converts graphs described in the DOT abstract graph description language into GIFs that can be included in HTML pages. The graphs can contain mouse-sensitive nodes simply by giving the node a URL attribute, so there is no need to worry about x-y coordinates Webdot can serve a graph from a (dot source) in more than one format: text/plain(dot source) image/gif text/plain(imagemap) application/x-pcl application/x-hpgl application/x-dot application/pdf(PDF) application/postscript(PS) application/postscript(EPSI) application/x-tcl(Tclet) application/x-mif(FrameMaker) x-world/x-vrml(VRML) application/x-vtx(VisualThought) By StephenNorth - http://www.research.att.com/~north/