''A statement made when a team leader is faced with exhausted funding of one of the projects being worked on - '' ThinkingOutLoud.DonaldNoyes.20141027 ---- Conversation: (this really did happen) * Project W, X, Y, and Z Manager: ''We have run out of money on Project X, it needs to be done, but you can't charge any more of your time to the Project X Account'' * Team Leader who is lead on Project W, X and Z: (as he logs-out of project X) ''What do want us to work on now?'' (''Project W, or Project Z, or some other new project'') ---- The points made in this post: * ''To illustrate to those who have never encountered something similar, that others have.'' ** ''To illustrate RealLife situations encountered, hidden agendas and all that, when a team leader is cheesed off.'' *** http://www.bbc.co.uk/worldservice/learningenglish/language/theenglishwespeak/2014/09/140902_tews_191_cheesed_off.shtml ** ''That sometimes managers who run out of money, instead of getting more money for continuing a work, try to get it done by utilizing resources not paid for by the project receiving the benefits of work done.'' ** ''That jobs are terminated or fail, when adequate resources and management are not applied.'' * ''To illustrate that resourceless projects may only be done when resources are made available, or are not withdrawn.'' ---- CategoryRealWorld CategoryWorkEnvironment