''When dealing with new and potentially interesting artifacts, a good question to ask'' ThinkingOutLoud.DonaldNoyes.20110915 ---- Where to start? - Some Questions * What is unique, similar, different about the artifact? * Some would also want to know how new (modern) it is, and what it has as major features and attributes. * Is it scarce, expensive or hard to learn about? * How did we find this in the first place? * Ask as well: ** Why is this important? ** Why ignoring this might not be a good idea ** ShouldIbeginToUseThis ** WhyNotStartToday ---- In Making Decisions * The first step in making a good decision is to grasp what the decision entails. Without a proper understanding of what is being decided upon, no good decision can come about. ** http://laacera.com/posts/number-3/2010/05/paying-attention-to-context-an-algorithm-for-proper-decision-making ---- See Also: * GoodAtLookingAround * Where to find out ** UsingSearchEnginesToFindInformation * BalloonModelOfKnowledge * RandomActsOfLearning * EdgeOfOurKnowledge * LayerOfIndirection