''It appears that wikis are being noticed by more and more people who haven't the slightest notion of what a wiki is, but want to know'' ---- Ward Cunningham, the originator of the WikiWay, has been interviewed and is mentioned along with his book in an article in ''PC Magazine'': * Article: "What's a Wiki?" By Sebaastian Rupley in the May 9th issue, 2003. *** http://www.pcmag.com/article2/0,4149,1071705,00.asp * Ward mentions an important feature of wikis: Fragility ** "articles added to a wiki are at the editorial mercy of the wiki's other participants" ** The article says: "The positive spin on the fragility of a wiki though, is that any flames or spam can be immediately removed so that wikis imbue good participants with a kind of survival-of-the-fittest power. "You need to generate real content," says one wiki source on the Web. "Anything else will be removed. So anyone can play, but only good players last." ------- See also: PurposeOfThisWiki ---- CategoryWikiConcept