Why do we program?

I program in order to:
*learn something new
*build something new
*get deeper insight into phenomena
*simply because it's fun to do!
*in order to MakeMoney
*to solve an imediate problem (solving matrices, etc)
*to create a new tool, to have new means for comminication with machines
*to avoid something else I have to be doing
*to build a tool to help me with a problem I have been stymied by
*to debug the tool I built last time I had the above problem (with women ;-)
* for the aesthetic ecstasy
* because programs are the only prayers that actually work.
* as a CognitiveExperiment
*to ImpressWomen

that's it for now...

''How well is it working on the women?''

Well, not ''too'' well! Today, I tested this in our SchoolCafeteria, using the infamous pickup line,
"Hey, you have a lovely smile. Wanna come see my new SuperCollider routine?" From the reaction, I have a feeling it could work out better leaving only the first sentence there.