Wiki is a software system and like any such system it contains AntiPattern''''''s. Here are some examples of anti-patterns. Note they're not in the traditional form yet as I hope to flesh them out in future. ---- Pages that amount to: * "I have this great idea but I need someone to implement if for me" (In the business world, this is called ArchitectsDontCode, ArchitectsPlayGolf, or ArmchairArchitect) * "All existing implementations of Z are crap. I am a genius and will thus implement, in my CopiousFreeTime, an alternative that solves all problems in the field of Z" * "I have this great new idea. All those who don't uncritically accept it are evil." * "Programming language A is horrible." or "Programming language A is better than programming language B" (or any other traditional programmer HolyWar topic) * "Managers are stupid, lazy, and evil." * "Wiki is great, if only it didn't let people edit everything/had moderators/wasn't about programming/was more like usenet/was more like a blog/had HardSecurity/was more like SlashDot/etc" * "I don't know much about programming, but I think that the wiki should be categorized/organized this way." * Ongoing and never-ending conversation (and arguments) between members of a small group of active Wiki participants, free-ranging over a huge universe of topics, and leaving big piles of ThreadMess. * ... ---- See also GoodStyle, MakeSignalNotNoise, DeleteInsults, DeleteOneLiners