''How might we express a Wiki Markup as a Format? - '' ThinkingOutLoud.DonaldNoyes.20141126 ---- ... Here begins a dialogue on WikiMarkupFormat''''''ting: ---'''Examples One''' Could italics formatting take on one of the following forma: * italics{This is in italics}; * italics`This is in italics; * format:italics("This is in italics") * [italics] This is in italics [/italics] It is in Creole: //This is in italics// Recommended XHTML: this is in italics It is in this wiki: ''This is in italics'' It is in html: This is in italics Could bold formatting take on one of the following forma: * bold{This is in bold}; * bold`This is in bold; * format:bold("This is in bold") * [bold] This is in bold [/bold] It is in Creole: **This is in bold** Recommended XHTML: This is in bold It is in this wiki: '''This is in bold''' It is in html: This is in bold Could a heading format take on one of the following forma: * heading7{This is in heading7}; * heading7`This is in heading7; * format:heading7("This is in heading7) * [heading7] This is in heading7 [/heading7] It is in this wiki: (approx) '''This is in heading7''' It is in html:

This is in heading7

where ---- see: WikiMarkupType WikiMarkupValue WikiMarkupLanguage MarkupLanguage AlternativeTextFormattingRules WikiDesignPrinciples WikiCreole ---- CategoryOrganization CategoryWikiEditing