''' '' Wiki''''''Trivia: '' ''' '''Page with ''Longest name'' and meaningful content''' * MappingInheritanceHierarchiesToRelationalSchemataInvolvesCompromises '''Page with ''shortest name'' and meaningful content''' * ToDo ?? * GoTo * SeTi '''Page with ''second highest'' number of revisions ''' highest must be WikiWikiSandbox, ignoring RecentChanges and RecentEdits which one is close to second highest => ?? '''Most often created page''' * NewPageTest ??? '''OnTopic page, last updated over 5 years old, and viewed as having mostly accurate and valuable information''' (See also AncientChanges) * DualProcessorVax: last edited July 2, 1995! ''(This is valuable? ;-)'' How do you find pages that have not been touched for 5 years? ???? ''Gnoming turns up ancient pages.'' '''OnTopic page, last updated over 5 years old, and deemed to have as the most misleading or erroneous content''' ???