Some WikiEngines allow you to edit pages the standard way or append comments in a forum-like way. They are somewhere between "vanilla" wikis and a WikiLikeThing. Advantages: * Pages can be locked for edit but still open to comment (AppendOnly). * UserName''''''s and datestamps are displayed next to comments. * Users used to forums don't feel lost and get used to the WikiWay gradually. Disadvantages: * Encourages ThreadMode. ** ''ameliorated by WikiMaster''''''s subsequently folding comments into the main text where appropriate.'' * DatestampsConsideredHarmful. ** ''ditto'' Known examples: * QuickiWiki/ClusterWiki * ProjectForum * OddMuse can be extended to support this feature, as CommunityWiki has done. * MassMind is a WikiLikeThing that supports comment appending. * WaGn (AppendOnly or not) * WeRc ( implements comments and wiki editing as orthogonal and complementary features, ie., AppendOnly is optional. ---- See also: ParagraphWiki ---- CategoryWiki