WikkiTikkiTavi is a WikiEngine written in PHP4 that uses MySQL to store the page database. It supports templates for the user interface, macro extensibility, etc. The ManagementUI and overall look and feel are very similar to UseModWiki. WikkiTikkiTavi is licenced under the GPL and is available at http://tavi.sourceforge.net/. A feature list may be found at http://tavi.sourceforge.net/TaviFeatures. The first Tavi release on Sourceforge dates 2002-01-16 with version number 0.21. WikkiTikkiTavi has further evolved in the next releases. Version 0.26 came out in 2005, its most visible addition is CaptchaTest. Uses Perl for installing, but Windows installation can be done, too. ---- See WikiWikiClone, PhpWiki, PmWiki ---- CategoryWikiImplementation