Describe XpdxNotesSeptMmv That September 2005 but in a form that this wiki processor recognizes as a link. Pizza courtesy of Patrick Brutsche, TEKsystems, 503-617-5307 Pizza schlepping by Patrick Logan. Thanx, Pats. This fall and otherwise in future of XPDX: *History of Xp *XP War stories *2nd Tues of October is during PNSQC, crash SPIN meeting (EVO) *Comparing RUP (or?) to XP/Agile *Converting to XP *Scrum blending with XP (XBreed) *Distributed or Remote Pairing *Other agile (DSDM, Scrum, Crystal, ...) *Code "jam" *Environmental issues (e.g. too noisy) *Long term planning in addition (scrum, other versions of planning game) static analysis/ refactoring *Outside speakers: via Agile Alliance, TEKsystems *Embrace change? Have a debriefing a week after PNSQC? Or just call that our meeting and crash *Scaling XP * Unit testing *QA in XP *Unit testing web pages, UIs (Ruby on rails, WATIR) *Agile reqirements management *Dee's show *Ruby (Portland Ruby Brigade,, active group meet 1st Tues of each month, 7-10 at FreeGeek) *Continuous Integration, esp. tools (e.g. Cruise Control) *Robert Martin - *Identifying FauxXP Then we put ticks by the ones we wanted to hear about, and initials the the ones we could talk about. Keep those with lots of ticks and a name. *History of Xp (3-Ron Jeffries) *XP War stories (5 - WA) *Converting to XP (6-WA) *Distributed or Remote Pairing (6-PatL's coworkers, Michelle Schleiger) *Other agile (DSDM, Scrum, Crystal, ...) (2-Diana) *Code "jam" (3-Arlo) *Pair Programming - Environmental issues (e.g. too noisy) (5 - Arlo, Diana) *Long term planning in addition (scrum, other versions of planning game) static analysis/ refactoring (6-PatL, Arlo) *Outside speakers: via Agile Alliance, TEKsystems (3-) *Embrace change? Have a debriefing a week after PNSQC? Or just call that our meeting and crash *Scaling XP (5-Josh Kerievsky) * Unit testing (5-PatL) *QA in XP (3-PatL, WA) *Unit testing web pages, UIs (Ruby on rails, WATIR) (7-Aaron Johnson) *Agile reqirements management (3-WA) *Continuous Integration, esp. tools (e.g. Cruise Control) (6-WA) ArloBelshee: Promiscuous Pairing: slides DianaLarsen 503-288-3550 says: I'll be at the Pacific Northwest Software Quality Conference in Portland OR USA, Oct 10-12, 2005. They are ready to accept registrations! Sign up now for a great conference: Other Upcoming Events: - SD Best Practices, Boston MA USA, Sept. 2005 - Open Workshop with Diana Larsen, Esther Derby & Ken Schwaber "The Secrets of Agile Teamwork: Beyond Technical Skills" Dec. 6-8, 2005, Portland OR USA