Have you ever had a dream about something grand, something useful and something simple, but don't quite know what it'll take to make it happen. An invention that will solve the problems of mankinds erring ways, a way to eat all you want and not get to big for last month's clothes, an elixir which does away with the minor aches and pains which make normal things tedious? Frustrations about not being able to arrive at that point where things go right seem to plague us all. Is there an answer, is there a place and time when one will reach a sort of nirvana? You will only know it When you get there. While working on a program package and having tried things from several different angles, I reached that point after about three years of struggle and work. I didn't quite know how to get what I wanted to do done, but finally I reached a point just last month when all the things finally came together and I could see how I will do it. I learned that YoullKnowItWhenYouGetThere.